

Have been having my holidays.
A fruitful and well deserved one.
The first part of my holiday was preparing for a conference presentation.
After that was a trip to know what I truly wanted. I still have not fully decided what I really want, but who can fathom my wandering mind?
Sitting on one of the long car trips with a book in my hand, I suddenly had this lust, wanderlust they called it. But alas, expenses at hand are not sufficient. Working to me a foreign word yet I have to yield to it to finance this lust. When I was back from this trip, I fell back to the cruel hands of the dogs. I know to dream is to starve. Will a dream of mine be extinguished? There is a small glimpse of hope out there but is the light still shining? Will she once more fail me?
I seek no more then the one struggling for a dream.


Shingo T said...

Dreams are cool if you use them as goals and work towards it.

Else, it's just a daydream. ^_^

Shawn said...

Yo Roxy, I'm real happy for you and all and Imma let you finish, but Genie is one of the biggest dreamer of ALL TIME!

Roxy. said...

Shingo T - yes yes. I hope mine is not day dream. working towards it.

Kanye West - u make my day. (: