
Another year.

Should i make new year resolutions? I wonder. I used to make them when i was much younger. But when i realize they can never all be fulfilled and i can never remember what are my resolutions till the last week of the year. Often last year's resolutions became the new year's resolution again. So for the few years of my childhood, you would see the same list being reused.

Probably only a recap of this year, which i would not change a thing for better or for worse, simply because i always believed that events that happen, happens for a reason. It's either to give me the experience and maybe for some, to harden my heart more.

This year marks the end of my poly years and a start to another beginning. It's also the start of adulthood. I tried to get more involved in things but of course terribly failed. In any case, i am now assured that i am not a social creature at all.

This year seem to go much faster then other years. I am not sure why, it was really like a blink of an eye. I was in the first few months complaining about my final year project, then after commenting on my industrial attachment. Just like this, 6 months was over. The next 6 months were spent preparing for my uni studies and of course finding for work.

And now as i approach the last few days of 2009, i ask myself, did i regret anything? And just for once, i can say no. (or i could be influenced just by a person.)

As i enter toward the new year ( the decade in the 21st century), would i change anything? I never know. The future is there for me to explore.

Happy New Year to ALL.


Shingo T said...

There's no harm in making new year resolutions. It's free!

Remember, there is no "failure". Only "delayed success"!

The future is for you to explore, but that doesn't mean you don't plan ahead. Resolutions are meant to help you with this.

Hey, you are the 1st person I commented for the new year. Haha.

Happy year 2010.
Roxy rocks!

Roxy. said...

The secret to happiness is low expectations. :p

Thanks !
Happy new year !