

I prolly be getting my own vehicle real soon. can't wait to revamp the whole thing. hmm hmm.

oh ya, i am 2 FP polo away from making it FP week. when i get the moolah for 2 more FP. I will post all my FP polo here. can't wait. BF is having his field camp. its horrible cuz there are no calls or sms from him at all. i can't wait for him to receive his surprise. bet he did not know, while at his house, i sneak a peek at his letters which were actually posted to his parents to send a surprise letter to their son during their field camp. I took that letter sneak it in my bag and proceeded home to create that surprise letter. Ok, mine was not a letter but a card !

oh, and i hate KH for not having FIELD CAMP. hate u hate u hate u. U dun know the misery. agrh.

Night class last night was funny. I love the night class. They are a bunch of ppl who really crack me up. I glad that i chose the right class. =)

and a photo that i shot because i was washing my crumpler. and HE FITS IN !

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